12 November 2010

One More Time

You know those very few friends who know you so well that they know exactly what you need and when you need it? They push at the right time. They console at the right time. They ignore the bad and notice the good. They don't care about your past, hold it over your head or assume you are still carrying around old habits and attitudes because they've watched you grow and have taken notice(something our own relatives often can't do). They forgive you when you need it (and you know you need it sometimes). They encourage and hold your hand. They sometimes kick you in the butt. They've been there in the good, the bad and the ugly and helped to walk you through it and prayed with you every step of the way. 

I am blessed to have a few women in my life like this. I need them more than I can express in this blog post, and I wish they weren't in far away places like New York, Pennsylvania, California and even Frazeysburg, which technically is only 90 minutes away but too far to nurse wounds and pray together over a cup of tea whenever we need it.

Today, my sweet friend, Jessica, sent me the link posted at the end of this blog. I haven't been able to see Jess for 10 years even though we lived together in college and talk weekly on the phone. Her friendship means the world to me. I could go on and on about all that she has done for me through the years and how good her friendship has been for me from the very beginning (we were 18 year old college freshmen when we met). She has always helped me to be a better person not only by encouraging me to grow, but by exemplifying who Christ is in her daily life and causing me to want to strive to have more of that characteristic in my own life. We have both changed over the years, and our friendship has only grown stronger. God knew what he was doing when he brought us together all those years ago. Of course, doesn't God always know what He's doing? ;)
So here's the link that Jess posted on Facebook for me today. These lyrics are beautiful, and they were exactly what I needed today. I'll be downloading this one for sure (If you're reading on Facebook and the video doesn't show up, just click on the link to the original post and you'll be able to hear the song)!

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