17 September 2012

Good Morning Messages

Good Monday morning, world. I took my husband to work an hour ago and found myself in awe of the early morning sunshine, the dew shimmering on the grass, the rays of sunshine beaming through the hazy fog rising off the field across the street. God gives us beauty in the morning. 

I wouldn't call myself a morning person by any stretch, but I am grateful that even this night owl gets to enjoy the morning hours in all their glory. God knew what He was doing in creating mornings this way. He knew we would need a reminder of His glory to get us going each day. It is as if I look out my window each morning and I hear Him saying,

"Good morning, my love. I have made this day just for you. Be careful with it. Enjoy it. Rejoice in this day!"

On a recent morning as I came down my once striking, but now worn and creaky, Victorian staircase feeling like my world had been rocked beyond repair, I stopped on the landing and looked out the window that rests above the window bench, and I heard God's voice. 

"The morning sun is beautiful, isn't it, daughter? Remember, the sun always rises and sets. Life goes on."

It reminded me of my dear college professor, Dr. Brown, who directed the wind ensemble and traveled all over the country with us teaching us so much more than music. When you're traveling on a tour bus with 60 collegiate musicians, you are bound to hit a few bumps in the road. 

"This too shall pass," he would say. Yes, Dr. Brown, this too shall pass.

It is so simple when you think about it, the rising and setting of the sun. We can trust that it is going to happen because we have seen it happen every single day of our lives. This is God's design, and in trusting and believing in this simple routine of creation, we learn that God is a trustworthy God, and we are daily reminded of His love for us. 

He takes it a step further. The sun doesn't merely rise every morning. With it's burst of light on the horizon comes the beauty of the morning, the completely unnecessary beauty of the morning. We need the light of the sun, but God chose to give us beauty with it. 

Because He loves us.

The sparkling dew on the spider's web.

The call of the mourning dove through the early morning fog.

The soft pink on the horizon as the sun peaks through the clouds.

The cool, damp air that caresses your skin.

Morning, dear loved one of the Most High, was made for us; morning beauty was made to bring glory to Him, and it does it perfectly, doesn't it? Listen to His morning message. No matter what you're going through, remember, the sun will still rise tomorrow, and life will continue. Embrace the morning. Embrace the Creator of the morning.

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118: 24

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