10 October 2014

Double Blog Hop: 4 Seasons and 10 on 10

ten on ten button

 The kitties kept climbing up my legs into my lap (and, yes, they still have claws. ouch!).

I was pretty sure this plant died in August. The three main, big leaves were completely brown. I actually sat it on the dryer in the dark until I could toss it out and use the pot for something else, but THEN I noticed it was green again, and now? Pups are growing all around it!!! I'm sure there is a great spiritual lesson here.

 Morning Bible study. I need to clean my screen! Haha!

 Sleepy kitty

 I spent A LOT of time with this legal pad and many, many lists the past couple weeks!

 Sweet treats for the harvest festival games.

 Our brightly colored, fall bulletin board.

I love good markers. Aren't they fun colors?

 Love the fall purply-red of my lilac bush.

Spray painting fun with my boy.

Visit a bit of sunshine for the 10 on 10 blog hop. Lots and lots of great photos there!

Visit The Simple Woman for the Four Seasons blog hop (and other great hopping goodies).


  1. Your kitties are adorable! I love how plants, when left alone, will often regenerate.

    1. Me too! Now the problem is that we need to keep the adorable kitties from eating said plant. Haha!

  2. Oh my , your kitties are so adorable!!! I wish my hubby wasn't allergic to them, I would love to have a cat! I really like your blog!
