24 September 2007

Today's Top 10 Thoughts

1.  Lukas no longer wants to hold my hand in parking lots and other public places. 
2.  Lukas no longer thinks that a coconut is a mammal(see THIS ENTRY for further explanation).
3.  Ava is trying to write letters and numbers and is always asking me to spell things for her even though she hasn't learned what the letters actually look like yet.
4.  Ava can play Cash Cow on Webkinz almost as well as I can, and she has no idea what the rules actually are.  This does not make me feel smart.
5.  I have been preparing to co-teach a creative writing class to the teens in our co-op, and the very idea of it has been overwhelming to me because I do not feel equipped.  I haven't written in years even though as a child and teen I wrote often and was sometimes rewarded for short stories, poems, and speeches (I do not like public speaking, but somehow, I managed to do well when I needed to).  The person I am co-teaching with is a published novelist.  Today I realized that if God wants me to teach this class, then I must be equipped to do so, and so I am walking in the door tomorrow with confidence.  If I totally fall on my face, I'm sure you'll read about it in a future entry as I sob through my computer keyboard to all of you.
6.  The songs for the musical I'm directing, Acorns to Oaks, are stuck in my head and have been there since the beginning of August.  I can't wait for Christmas music to start playing so that I have something to replace these cute little tunes.  I love the music, but hearing it in my head as I walk through the house(or Wal-mart) chorographing the various numbers is starting to drive me batty.
7.  I have a tummy bug and really hope that I'm better by tomorrow.
8.  Eric is writing the curriculum for Funkytown, which is our children's ministry program, and he's doing a great job.  It is so nice to see him doing something that he is passionate about and that he truly loves doing.  He's also teaching every other week.  Lukas loves that Daddy is his teacher!
9.  I can't do everything.  I can't direct the musical, go to IWU homecoming, go to the Coshocton County Fair, and head to Corning, NY for the 75 year celebration at the church where Eric served as Children's Pastor from 1999-2003 in a few weeks.  We will squeeze in the fair, but I am really bummed about the other two things.  Point of Grace is doing a concert and the IWU Chorale is supposed to perform, and the Victory Highway celebration would be amazing to go to.  BUT...we have dress rehearsal until noon that day.  I am disappointed to say the least.  My girlfriends better write some phenomenal blog entries to fill me on on the happenings afterward!
10.  I can't do everything is important enough for two numbers.  I just can't.  I can't teach, fold all the laundry, vaccuum the carpets, sweep and mop the kitchen floor, plan, shop for, and cook healthy meals, shower frequently, spend time with the Father, and spend time just having fun with my family on a daily basis.  So, my daily priorities are simply to read the Word, pray, teach, cook, eat, sleep, and have fun with my family somewhere along the way.  Because of this, the laundry has, once again and just like last September, been sitting on my couch waiting for me to fold it for nearly 3 weeks.  3 weeks.  You may think that I am exaggerating, but I am not.  I would tell you that I am holding my head in shame, but I am not.  The clothes are clean.  That's all that matters.  I'll fold them before we have any company (or I'll hide the pile in my bedroom).
So that is today's top 10 thoughts.  Give me 5 minutes, and I may come up with a completely different list.  Come back soon!

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