29 December 2011

The Gabby Moms: A Year in Review

A couple years ago, someone named Lorrie Flem added me on Facebook. I dug around a little to see who this Lorrie Flem was and decided she sounded like someone I wanted to know through Facebook. Immediately, I began enjoying her daily posts, and then I knew she was someone I wanted to be friends with! Her posts were so encouraging and challenging to me as a wife and mother. I was so blessed to be Lorrie's Facebook friend.

When Lorrie (who later changed her account and is now my friend via Eternal Encouragement. Add Eternal Encouragement to your Facebook!!!), began looking for bloggers to write reviews of her products, I jumped on board. The Gabby Moms program has been an even greater blessing to me than the original daily posts. I have loved being a part of this program throughout the past year. Every single product spoke to my heart and either reminded me of something I needed to hear or taught me something new. Lorrie's heart comes through all of her writings, and my heart resonates with hers.

What I liked about this program is that it isn't overly demanding. There is one product per month to review. I've been a part of another review program that was absolutely overwhelming for me, and there was no warning in advance to let the reviewers know it was going to be so busy. On the flip side, the Gabby Moms program is manageable even for this busy homeschooling mom. It is reasonable and doable.

This program has allowed me to laugh, cry and be challenged every step of the way. I haven't been disappointed in anything. I highly recommend that you give this program a try. You will learn. You will be encouraged. You will be challenged. You will be motivated. You will be given the tools you need to help you to become a better homemaker, wife, mother, and more. 

Click the link below if you'd like to read more about it. I don't think you'll be disappointed! I'll be continuing in 2012, and I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store for me as a Gabby Mom!


  1. Well done, I couldn't agree more with all you said. Thanks for continuing into 2012.

  2. You are so right, it is nice to know when things are going to be due! I'm glad we'll both be in it together again in 2012.
