16 October 2012

Being Me After the Fallout

I was thinking today about all the things I used to do that I virtually stopped doing in the past year. Things I love. Things that make me happy. Creative things. Things for me. The things that I do because I need a creative outlet. Because that is how God designed this artsy gal.

For example...
  • Crocheting
  • Writing
  • Blog reading
  • Cooking. Real, get-in-the-kitchen-and-think kind of cooking
  • Scrapbooking. Not the digital kind. The fun, creative, glue photos in an album kind.
I managed to hold onto music and reading. In fact, I think I craved music and probably relied on it more than I have in 13 years, since graduating from college.

I tell you this for a couple reasons. First, I tell you this because I know that someone out there is going through a tough time. I want to encourage you to hold onto something that you love to do. Cling to God and the people you love most, but also hold onto something you love to keep you busy. Your list is certainly different than mine, and when life is overwhelming, you can't expect to hold everything together, but choose something. CHOOSE SOMETHING that is yours that you will keep doing.

Then, when you are through the tough time, you can see that you are still you. You are changed. Drastically, even. Unrecognizable in many ways, possibly. But YOU.ARE.YOU. 

Then pick up some of those things and start loving them again. Make happiness for yourself. When you make it over than mountain, celebrate with family and friends and your church...and then celebrate all by yourself by picking whatever it is back up.

I'm typing. I'm writing. I may be rusty, but I'm doing it. I'm cooking again. Nutritious, delicious meals. I have other things to pick up too, and I will. I promise.

The other reason I tell you all of this is because telling someone is the first step toward sticking to a goal. I will be me again. I will find me in the mess that was my life and enjoy a better life than ever I have had. 

Because God is awesome. And that is His plan for me.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to hearing about all you're going to get back into! I can't wait for the craziness of the next 6 months to settle so I can do exactly the same thing! ;o)
