19 October 2010

A Note from Ava

Let me preface this post by saying that Ava, thus far, does not love learning to read. Anytime I see a light breaking through, I rejoice. This evening as I was reading a chapter of The Magician's Nephew to the kids, Ava was coloring, or so I thought. She drew me a little picture, and, on the back, she wrote us this perfect little note...

Ava. Dad. Mom.

Dear mom and dad

Haw r u doowing tooday

u r the sun uv God and dadrs uv God.


Ava. Dad. Mom. (She starts everything she writes and every picture she gives us is labeled with this kind of thing where she just lists everyone's name that she can spell. Sometimes, Lukas is included or Nana or Papa because those are easy to spell too).

Dear Mom and Dad,

How are you doing today?

You are the sun of God and daughters of God.

Is this not the CUTEST????  I love that she wrote this sweet note and that she spelled everything the way she did because she SPELLED independently, a huge step for her! Yay for Ava!

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